The Shift Show
We’re on a mission to make the world of psychology approachable, easy to understand, and (*gasp*) enjoyable. Join us every other Thursday as we use psychological insight to unravel the craziness of life; from porn addiction to toxic parenting, and everything in between. And don’t worry, we’ll leave out the psychobabble.
The Shift Show
022: Face Your Fears with Shift Psychs: Dare to visit Deadmonton, the haunted house from hell.
Ah, Halloween - the time our society brings our love of scaring ourselves to light, in the funnest possible way. Overgrown pumpkins, tricked out yards, and all-you-can-eat candy. A chance to slap on a wig, paint your face, and glimpse the horrors that lurk inside your neighbour's’ foyer.
Chime in to hear what we have to say!
Disclaimer: Please note that this podcast is a re-release and that after this episode we will begin releasing our podcasts once a month!