The Shift Show
We’re on a mission to make the world of psychology approachable, easy to understand, and (*gasp*) enjoyable. Join us every other Thursday as we use psychological insight to unravel the craziness of life; from porn addiction to toxic parenting, and everything in between. And don’t worry, we’ll leave out the psychobabble.
The Shift Show
018: Let's Talk About Happiness
The Holy Grail of emotions, happiness is everywhere -- and yet so hard to see. Everything from a pleasant sunny afternoon to a once-in-a-lifetime winning lottery ticket could sit under the umbrella of happiness. The problem is, wanting to be happy without knowing what that means, is a recipe for unhappiness.
In the first episode of this new series, Shift’s Zac Erickson, Andrea McTague and Sarah [...?] poke around under the blanket of happiness to demystify it from a physiological, psychological and evolutionary perspective. As they do so, they ask two questions that will recur throughout this upcoming series: What is happiness for you as an individual and what is happiness for humans in general?