The Shift Show
We’re on a mission to make the world of psychology approachable, easy to understand, and (*gasp*) enjoyable. Join us every other Thursday as we use psychological insight to unravel the craziness of life; from porn addiction to toxic parenting, and everything in between. And don’t worry, we’ll leave out the psychobabble.
The Shift Show
014 “Who Are You and Why Are You Talking to Me about This Stuff?” A chat with Shift CEO and founder, Andrea McTague
Shift Psych
Episode 14
In case you’re just joining the party, Shift Psychs, Zac Erickson and Sarah [...], sit down with Shift CEO and founder, Andrea McTague, for a chat on who we are and why we’re talking to you about all this stuff.
Born out of Andrea’s love-hate relationship with traditional psychology (love the foundation, hate the delivery), Shift kicks the status quo to the curb.
Here's the traditional equation: therapy = (couch + talking) x ∞.
There’s no game plan -- and if there is, you don’t get to see it -- and no end in sight.
It goes like this:
- Find a “good fit.” (What does that even mean?? And why is personality more important than skill!? Would you want Mr. Rogers to be your surgeon?).
- Vent about your week: Chat a lot, feel crummy a lot, get validated a lot. #codependentmuch?
- Pay a ton of money.
- Repeat steps 1-3.
Are you better? Who knows? How would you even know?
After tearing traditional psych a new one, Andrea, Zac and Sarah dive into how Shift changes the game with pattern theory: a framework based on psychological methods and theories that anyone can understand in five minutes. Along the way, they discuss informed consent, how it feels when your house is on fire and which Pizza Pops are the yummiest.